It's taken me a few days to get over it but it was a wonderful show. I met so many lovely people, talented makers whose work I love (in particular Sophie Woodrow, Claire Brewster and Guy Bird...hmm slight bird/creature theme there!) and admirers and collectors of my own work.

It takes a lot of courage to put the things you have created out into the world for people to judge and a great deal more to be there with it. I have to say I struggle a little bit with this part and after months of working really hard to build the work and think through how I would exhibit it all, I'd already reached the brink of exhaustion and the point at which you question everything you have done and it's worth before Origin even began!
I know that art is very subjective and that we won't all like the same things so I accept fully that people won't like what I am making...but it feels pretty wonderful to know that there are people who do, and even more wonderful when they come back a second time, or a third or forth time to buy more!
Aside from one lady's comments on my display that didn't make me feel very good, and another funny lady who felt inclined to tell me I was far prettier and younger looking in my photos! Ha! ...I had such a great time meeting people who had such touching things to say about my work. THANK YOU if one of them was you!!!
All in all it was a great week and after a long weekend in the sunshine I'm now...just about...ready to go back to the studio and make a start on all the orders!
I somehow managed not to take any photos the entire week :( but have managed to hunt out a few to show you what it all looked like...the idea behind it was an old curiosity shop/natural history museum...so there were display cabinets, a bell jar with a little moth inside, spools as plinths, bird books, some english garden flowers to make it cheery and little name plaques for the birds on the wall which identified them in english and in latin...hope you'll like it!
I think the display looks great :) I'm glad it went well for you!
your display and the birds look wonderful.. some people really don't have any tact!
what a fantastic display and the range and assortment of birdies is incredible
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