Wednesday 10 November 2010

What?!?!?...more new work!!!

Gosh...even more new work to post, I do feel like I've been busy!
These little critters are on their way to Munich, Germany for the 'Artistic Toys' exhibition at Galerie Handwerk. I've taken part in this Christmas exhibition for the past three years now and love being invited back. It's a fab gallery and the theme is left as open as that so we are all free to come up with whatever it is we might like. I try each year to make something new and exciting for myself and this year has certainly been the most fun. I doubt many of us will be in Munich this Christmas so here's a peek at what I've sent...


Kickcan & Conkers said...

oh these are beautiful! will you be making anymore?

Murgatroyd said...


fanja said...

these are lovely Abigail!
love the bird especially, it reminds me of the cartoon Battle of the planets. did you have it in the UK? (maybe you're too young to remember!)

claire said...

Oh wonderful!

Abigail Brown said...

Thank you, thank you! Very pleased they're so well received! :)
I think this is a new line I will continue so they will be made more of.
They are all £150 except for the bird at £180.

Hmm...I don't know about Battle of the Planets Fanja, it doesn't ring a bell. I've been around since 81, was that too late?! :)

Brittan said...

wow, they are fantastic!!! good luck!~

Lizette said...

Lovely, amazing work!

Tugba Kop Illustration said...


Marie said...

sweet beau :-)...wonderful!

Andrew-John Budds said...

what a wonderful range of characters, fantastic!

Margie Oomen said...

i think i just fell in love with a soft dark handsome bird with the most incredible wings

k said...

just discovered your blog - what a lovely little world of creatures you have created!

Abigail Brown said...

Thank you for the lovely comments! It's really been fun to work on something a little different

Melanie's Randomness said...

These are soo cute!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Anonymous said...

I love them all. Beautiful colors and creatures :) a joy to look at them. Thanks for sharing.